Relocation has crept into my thoughts... A little research shows me that 40% of Americans are born, live their lives, and die in approximately the same area. I think that number has moved down. I personally thought it would be much higher. Recently, I have been wondering if I would be part of that number. Or not. Riding my bike this summer on a beautiful day at Marblehead, on the shore of Lake Erie. The most obvious reason I'm thinking about this now is age. I've made it past my 60th birthday. Let me tell you, it's not much fun. My high school has been closed. Conversations with friends my age used to be about rock stars and sports. Now there about health concerns and sports. My kids are now adults and require less guidance/supervision like in the old days. My wife has a good job as an RN, and is a long time employee for a hospital. But she is near my age as well. As for myself, employment now is more of a struggle. I'm not able to find a full time job anymo...