My 5 Coolest Happenings of 2016..... Another year has come and gone. 2016 was a stunning year, both nationally and locally. Championships, Conventions, and Elections, But how many of the items actually impacted me directly? There are national headlines every day that we have a conversation about. But what did I actually participate in that I really enjoyed? Looking back, I didn't get a chance to go on any big trips this year like others. But that doesn't mean I didn't have fun. There were some things I'll never forget. So here is a list of some of the things I really enjoyed in 2016. 5. The Revitalization of the Flat s: This isn't one event, but an area that I enjoyed many times in 2016. Back in the 80's the Cleveland Flats were a collection of sketchy bars along the The Flats are a happening place again. Cuyahoga River. They were popular for a while. But they were dirty, unsafe, and closed after a period. Recently, they have been rebuilt and are n...