The Coolest Times I Had In 2017..... It's the end of the year and the start of another. You will see plenty of columns about the top news stories of the past year. Or something about celebrity deaths. But the news was horrible all year. I choose to write about the good times. There were plenty of things I enjoyed last year. I enjoyed the Cavs playoff run. I enjoyed the Indians historic winning streak. I enjoyed going to the Billy Joel concert with my wife. And of course I enjoyed any day I could spend with my family and friends. But some days stick out. Some times were special. So, not in any particular order, here are some special days I will remember from 2017. My nephew's wedding. Weddings are special because it brings the whole family together. Plus it's a big party. My nephew Patrick and his bride Erin had particularly beautiful wedding. The The bride and groom. rehearsal dinner was at Progressive Field. The wedding ceremony was at the downtown cathedral...