The Camping Life..... I guess you could call me a city guy. Or at least a suburban guy. Born and raised. I've spent most of my life in city environments. I live relatively close to my work. Stores and shopping are close to my neighborhood. If I needed a gallon of milk I probably have a choice of a dozen places within minutes of my house. My idea of roughing it away from home is a Holiday Inn. But there is a whole different lifestyle out there. Out in the country. Country living. Yesterday, our lifelong friends Mike and Anne invited us out to their campsite. It's about an hour south of our home. It's not just a trip on the freeway. You take two-lane secondary roads for miles to reach the campsite. Traffic lights were just a memory. At least the GPS takes the stress out of finding the place. This is all foreign to me. Welcome to the country. When we got to their campgrounds it was like being invited to their own private, gated community. We registered at the offic...