The Difference Between History and a News Item..... What makes the difference between a major historical event and just a news item? What turns a news item into a major historical event? Maybe it's just luck. Fate. Who knows. That sounds like a question for Forrest Gump to ponder. Bomb for Joe Biden We have had a heck of a week in the news. Republican terrorist Cesar Sayoc was arrested for mailing 13 letter bombs to opponents of President Trump. The list included 2 former Presidents, a former Secretary of State, members of Congress, and a millionaire trying to lead an effort to impeach the President. First, imagine the time and effort it takes to make 13 bombs. He acquired all the material needed. He found the addresses to mail them to, applied postage and sent them off. But he just wasn't a very good bomb maker. They didn't work. They had all the right components. They just weren't assembled correctly. But what if he did? The bombs might have gone off anyw...
Showing posts from October, 2018
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Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes..... There are big changes coming in my life. And therefore there are changes coming for this blog too. I've got a new job. My last day at my old job was yesterday. When I started this job I had a bad attitude, and was sort of a bitterman. My previous career was as an account manager. I enjoyed it. It was a challenge because I got to use my creativity and make a plan for my accounts. There was definitely pressure because of sales quotas. But I was sorta good at it. Even winning prizes and awards. Last shift But the economy went south, and I got older at the same time. My accounts, like Pontiac dealers had turned into parking lots. Nobody wanted to take a chance on some oldish sales guy. Not when there were plenty of younger ones available. I even applied to work at Verizon because you can make decent money in that industry. I had maybe the greatest interview of my life with them. The manager seemed sad when he told me the job had gone to somebody else. ...
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The Death of the CD..... In 1877 Thomas Edison invented the recording industry, and the phonograph. He recited "Mary had a little lamb", and recorded it to a cylinder. It was an instant hit. Ever since then, there has been an effort to improve recording. Over the years, sometimes slowly, and sometimes quickly, the changes have been made to the way we listen to recordings, and particularly our favorite music. Edison invents the recording industry. Originally vinyl records were the king of the hill. Only the speed at which they revolved changed. In the early to mid 20th century 78 rpm recordings were popular. But the fidelity was poor, and they spun around so fast, the recordings weren't very long. In the 50's 45 rpm records became popular. The records were smaller, but had only one song per side. The "hit single" record was born. Eventually the standard became the 33 rpm recording. The sound was good, and you could get plenty of songs on each side. ...
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Stupid Supreme Court Decisions..... Recently, the news has been all about the United States Supreme Court. But not about a court case or a decision. It has been about nominating and approving a new Justice to the Court. The process involves the President nominating a Justice, and then being voted on and approved by the Senate. The US Supreme court building. The new Justice had a controversial process. He had a detractor that knew him from his college days. She said he sexually attacked her. He said he didn't. He was approved and today he is the newest Justice tot the United States Supreme Court. On election days, I hate voting for judges myself. Since I am neither a criminal, nor a lawyer, I have no idea who these people are. It's crazy. Look, these's an Irish name. Hey, there's an Italian! A Supreme Court Justice is a very unique job. Once approved, you serve for the rest of your life. There are no re-elections or term limits. You are beholden to no one. ...