I Have To Shop for a New Phone..... (Editor's Note: I have a new job where I work on Sunday mornings. That's when I used to write this blog. I heard from some people who told me they read it, and missed it. That makes me feel good. So when I have something to say - I'll post it here.) Phones have become a close personal item. Other than, maybe your underwear, I don't know of any item you keep with you all the time. It's like having the Library of Congress next to your ass. I can find out most anything in seconds. I can communicate with my friends and family. It's got all the features I could ever want or need. And you can take pictures - anytime and anywhere. One of the first pics I took with my present phone. My phone takes great pictures. In fact. I'm pretty sure my phone takes better pictures than your phone. You can make fun all you want about my phone not being one of the "name brands", but it takes some great pics. But unfortunatel...