Let's Get Ridiculous With Christmas Songs..... We live in such crazy times. There is very little these days that shocks me when I listen to the news. But yesterday I heard a news item that really caught my attention. There is a local radio station that plays all Christmas music, all day and all night. They start around Thanksgiving. However, the station made an announcement yesterday that they were banning the song, "Baby It's Cold Outside" from their playlist . . Now that, caught my attention. Apparently this is in support of the #metoo movement. They say the song is about a guy that won't take no for an answer. The radio station is not alone in this. The Urban Dictionary calls it the "Christmas Date Rape Song". For those of you not familiar with the tune, it's a beautiful holiday duet sung by a man and a women. The guy wants his girl to stay, while the girl comes up with reasons to go. But nobody is forced to do anything. The word "...
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