Why Have Mass-Murders Become So Common?.....
Sorry, folks. No Christmas songs or movies this week. Actually I wish I could talk about my favorite Christmas cookies, or presents. Anything but this. But this is on my mind. As we all struggle to consider what just happened in San Bernadino, California.
What has changed in our world and our society, that makes these incidents so horrific, yet so common. A few weeks ago, the murders in Paris grabbed our attention. Now this one. Unfortunately, would any of us be surprised if there is another senseless attack before Christmas?
Let's take a moment to examine where we, the human race, are right now: 2015, on the cusp of another year. Has something changed in our society, or not? Here are some things to consider:

The latest type of terrorist / murderer might also be different. They kill very random, innocent people. Their goal is,,,,who knows? Get on TV?
I don't have any answers to any of this. Just more questions like you do. We have to learn to live together with peace. Especially in this season of peace. Pray for the victims and keep them in your thoughts. Heck, keep a good thought for everybody. We can all use it.
Seasons Greetings.
What has changed in our world and our society, that makes these incidents so horrific, yet so common. A few weeks ago, the murders in Paris grabbed our attention. Now this one. Unfortunately, would any of us be surprised if there is another senseless attack before Christmas?
Let's take a moment to examine where we, the human race, are right now: 2015, on the cusp of another year. Has something changed in our society, or not? Here are some things to consider:
- Are handguns too easy to get? This is the first thing that's mentioned when insane incidents happen. From school shootings in Chardon, Ohio, to the crazy guy in the theater in Colorado, easy access to guns and copious amounts of ammunition were a problem. Yes, there are probably a half dozen places for me to buy a gun within 5-10 miles of my house. That doesn't include the internet, (Available right here on my handy tablet.) I've never bought one, but I understand there is a process you have to go through. But whatever it is, it must not be stringent enough. Also, the bad guys shouldn't be armed better than Law Enforcement. I don't understand why automatic weapons need to be available to the general public. I can drive a car, but Indy race cars aren't street legal.

- Terrorism / mass murders didn't used to happen: I think yes and no on this. Political assassinations are a form of terrorism. They have been going on since Caesar. It's usually a single person or a very small group. Certainly not a representative of a group. The honorable General Robert E. Lee was appointed by the Southern States. He surrendered his sword as their representative. John Wilkes Booth represented nobody. The Holocaust and other "ethnic cleansings" still happen from time to time. But they are usually done by a organized political groups or nations.
The latest type of terrorist / murderer might also be different. They kill very random, innocent people. Their goal is,,,,who knows? Get on TV?
- Communication / Social Media makes it more prominent: This I think is true. Human beings have been looking for ways to improve communication since the days of the first cave paintings. We can't stop communicating. The media and TV networks are just doing there jobs. Crowds appear naturally at fires and crime scenes. I've always wondered how they get these "experts" on the air so quickly though. Do they have retired FBI agents in their cafeteria? Make no doubt: do a mass murder / terrorist act, and you will be on the news to say the least. The name Osama Bin Laden will be remembered for a thousand years. Today's social media improvements also mean my thoughts, words, and ideas, are available instantly, and anywhere. That's good and bad.
- Mind Control: I really don't know what to title this heading, so mind control is as good as any. Many of today's terrorists, including the "home grown" variety are said to be "radicalized." They are influenced to a point where they are willing to murder innocent people, commit virtual suicide, and in the most recent case, abandon their baby.
I don't have any answers to any of this. Just more questions like you do. We have to learn to live together with peace. Especially in this season of peace. Pray for the victims and keep them in your thoughts. Heck, keep a good thought for everybody. We can all use it.
Seasons Greetings.
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