Easter Traditions - Old and New..... I woke up this morning and was delighted to see it was a bright and sunny day. Just the way Easter should be. Easter is a great holiday. Obviously, it has significant religious meanings. But it also comes right at the start of spring. It signals a rebirth and renewal, of everything. Happy Easter, everybody! Easter brings it's own set of traditions. Maybe not as many as Christmas, but plenty nonetheless. The obvious ones are colored Easter eggs, Easter baskets, jelly beans, and candy. But there are many traditions, maybe hundreds of years old that are still used. My wife's family is Eastern European, (Slovak). They have a number of traditions for every holiday. My wife makes sure these traditions are upheld. Even her family occasionally refers to her as the "Slovak Ambassador". But it's important. While it seems like yesterday we were kids, we are fast becoming "elder statesman" responsible for keeping some...