Things I'm Thankful For.....
But there's plenty of leftovers. |
Good God almighty it's the holiday season again. While this Thursday marks the official beginning to the season, I've seen some stores preparing since Halloween. That's crazy. Who needs Christmas ornaments on Halloween? Everybody just chill on that stuff.
I'll probably put up my outdoor house decorations soon, including my colorful laser beams! But before everybody goes nuts for Christmas, it's Thanksgiving this week. To me, that's a holiday to slow down and, as the name says, - give thanks. Yes, you have to get a big meal together. Yes, you probably have to clean the house. But other than that, it's a day to relax and have fun with family and friends. Asinine stores such as Walmart and Target require their employees to come into work. But that's another topic.
Thanksgiving always makes me pause and take an inventory of some things I'm thankful for in my life. So here's a list of some of them. I'll start with the obvious ones and move on from there.
At a recent concert. |
- My Wife - It's been a hard year for the Mrs. Knee replacement surgery and the following physical rehab. But progress is being made, and the pain is lessening. I can tell because there are times I can make her laugh again.
- My Family - Kids are the secret of life. Mine are all different, and they're all great. They are what make the holidays special.
- My Relatives and Friends - My relatives bring a lifetime of memories. They accept me for who I am, good or bad. Some of my friends I think of as an extended family. Whether I see them often or infrequently, it's nice to know I can make them smile or laugh with a couple of words that can remember some good times.
- My Health - No, I'm not 20 years old anymore. But seeing my wife and others in physical therapy struggle to do the basic things makes me realize how much we take for granted.
- The Cleveland Cavaliers - This year's championship was something I have been waiting a lifetime for. The memories, the experiences are something I will remember
the rest of my life. So much fun in realizing a dream. Anything that makes a city celebrate like that is worth the wait. The lesson: Focus , and never give up.
My name's on the banner too! |
- The Cleveland Indians - A great season, and soo close to the ultimate championship. They weren't favorites, but achieved. They brought the city together as well. The lesson: Do what you do - and rely on your teammates to do what they do.
- Smartphones - I was going through stuff in my laundry room and came across the relic on the
Can you hear me now? |
left. At one time it was state of the art. You could make a voice call, but that was about it. Now, you can text, connect to the web, get directions, take a picture, and more. Actually people don't make voice calls much anymore. One thing's the same.
The number for that relic is the same as my number today.
- 4K TV - I have one. I've always been an early adapter for new technology. It looks great, but there's nothing much to see in 4K. There is nothing broadcast yet in 4K. Specialized 4K Blu-ray players are too expensive. However, you can download and stream odd things in 4K from Youtube and the internet for free. One of my favorites is some European guy's family taking a cruise in the Mediterranean. Beautiful.
- Shark Tank - This has become my favorite TV show. Everybody dreams of an idea that can make them rich. They are all passionate about their product as they seek an investment from the sharks. Some are successful. But even if they are turned down they hopefully understand why their product, or their plan, has a flaw, and what they should do about it. That can be more valuable than the money.
- My ability to write - In addition to Hanging With Rich, I have recently become a columnist for Indians Baseball Insiders .That's a website that I have been reading for years, that I now am proud to offer articles for. I know I'm not the greatest writer around, but I am having fun doing this.
- My Readers - Anyone that takes their valuable time to read my views I am truly thankful for, It is a privilege. My goal is just to make you think, or smile. If I can accomplish that occasionally I'm glad,
So take time this week to consider things in your life, be it large or small, that make your life good. If I am considered as one of them - then I am truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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