Daylight Savings Time Stress.....

I was out last night with some friends. The place was emptying out when I looked at my phone for the time. (I no longer own a watch.) It was about midnight. Oh my gosh, I thought. Tonight is the night we "spring ahead" for Daylight Savings Time. That means it's really about 1 in the morning! I got my coat and said my goodbyes. When I got home I ran around my house changing the time on the various clocks. Let's do you change the time on that microwave again?  Thank God I no longer own a VCR. Those were the worst to change the time.

By the time I got to bed it was effectively a quarter to 2 in the morning. But I woke up in the middle of the night. I was wondering what I should write this column about. The President and the porn star? Nah. But I better think of something fast. It was 5 o'clock and I need to get back to sleep. It was official. I was a victim of Daylight Savings Time Stress!

I had heard a news report earlier in the week, that due to Daylight Savings Time Stress, the rate of heart attacks actually increase that morning by 15%. How ridiculous I thought. But I guess when it's your time to go, it's your time to go. (Get it?)

Daylight Savings Time is the practice of advancing the clocks by one hour in the Spring, and returning to standard time in the Fall. This would enable you to enjoy an additional hour of sunlight during the summer, when days are longer anyway. I have to say I do enjoy that. In the summer, it won;t get completely dark until after 9 pm.

But did you know DST did not become standardized in the United States until 1966? But it's still a controversial item. Farmers hate it. Especially their livestock. Most of Africa never used DST. Much of Asia is on permanent DST.

Arizona gets complicated Effectively, Arizona has the same time as the Pacific Time Zone in the Summer and the Mountain Time Zone in the Winter. However, the Navajo Nation observes Mountain Daylight Time. So in Tuba City, AZ. right now, It's an hour later than it is in Phoenix. But anyway you slice it, there's plenty of sunshine in Arizona.

Florida has now voted to go on permanent Daylight Savings Time. It still needs the governors signature. But not so fast there, you old timers in Florida. Even if the Governor signs the bill, it would still take an Act of Congress to allow Florida to change it's time. If it happens, Florida would then join Hawaii and parts of Arizona that are exempt from the Uniform Time Act of 1966.

That's all I have to say today. I have to figure out how to change the time in my car.


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