Politics vs. The FBI.....

Headlines are becoming blurred. News headlines are coming daily. Sometimes twice a day. It's easy to forget the significance of yesterday's headlines. Maybe we should use the perspective of history to see what's unusual about these headlines. Let's go back to the basics.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was formed in 1908. It is part of the Department of Justice, which is led by the Attorney General of the United States. The FBI is our Federal Police Force. Their main job is to  protect and defend us by upholding and enforcing our criminal laws.

The top 5 priorities of the FBI presently are (per their website):

  1. Protect our country from terrorist attacks.
  2. Protect our country from foreign intelligence and espionage.
  3. Protect our country from cyber-attacks.
  4. Combat public corruption.
  5. Protect civil rights.
Does any of that sound political? It sounds like a law enforcement job for federal crimes.

Probably the most famous FBI Director was J. Edgar Hoover. Apparently, he was a bit of a kook. But he did invent the scientific method of investigation, which is still the foundation of investigations today. He served as Director from 1935 to 1972. He served Presidents Roosevelt through Nixon. Republicans and Democrats alike. I doubt if he even cared who the President was.

The entire FBI are federal employees. Since the President is in charge of the government, he has the right to fire anybody he wants. It would be beneficial to him if he got along with major department heads. But does the FBI really have much involvement in anyone's administration?

The FBI doesn't have anything to do with healthcare reform, trade agreements, or tax reform. They look for people breaking federal laws. Laws that our Constitution, or somebody's administration calls for. They investigate and charge people with crimes. (By the way, did you know the CIA has no law enforcement authority?)

Last week the President fired FBI Director James Comey. That's well within his rights. My concerns are the reasons that were given for his termination. There were two main reasons provided.

Former FDI Director & US Attorney General
- Time to hit linkedin and monster.com
The President wanted the FBI to drop the Russia probe into collusion with the 2016 election. Comey was actually going to ask for more resources to investigate it. That's his job. But the President wants the FBI to move onto other issues.

The other issue was that Director Comey would not pledge his loyalty to the President. Nowhere in his oath of office does it say the FBI director needs to pledge the President his loyalty. His loyalty is to our country, and enforcing it's laws. Don Corleone could ask for loyalty, not the President.

The great Republican President, Ronald Reagan, was known as The Great Communicator. The currant president is not a great communicator. He's not even a politician. Our President communicates like a sharp stick in the eye. His plain spoken style got him elected. So he is delivering what was expected.

I hope the President can now go back to his agenda, passing laws through Congress, and being our nation's voice to the world. Just let the FBI do it's job. It's like the old saying. If you haven't done anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about.

Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity—The FBI Motto


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